Friday, 29 January 2010

Creativity- A flower waiting to bloom

I think it’s safe to say that creativity is a form of innovation, everyone is capable of being creative, creativity isn’t something that can be bought, and it must be eared through the absorption of ideas and the process of problem solving.
I think it’s best if we don’t complicate creativity, it’s just there, either you have it at the moment of you don’t, when you add logical equations and “label” it is when it loses it’s...magic.

Creativity can manifest its self in many different ways, for example in music, science sports and probably the most relevant to me, games.
A perfect example of creativity in games for me would have to be Okami (ps2)
Known to some as the Zelda killer, Okami is an action/adventure game in the style of Japanese water colours, wood cutting and mythology; I think it was the first of its kind, the concept of the game I thought was amazing, extremely creative, by taking full advantage of the systems potential and limitations.
Okami is living artwork, the art director was brave and the direction of this game is different, I couldn’t really find a flaw in the conception of this game.

Creativity can’t really be explained in my opinion, it just exists, and holding on to it is hard because of the world we live in.
I’ve come to notice that being creative because harder as time goes on, creativity can be linked to emotion, so you need to be in the zone to tap into your creativity.

Creativity is a dying rose.

To be Continued... :D

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