Sunday, 15 November 2009

Game Design Madness !

As stated before, game design is the process you go through when creating a game, from story GAMEPLAY, music etc.
One thing that is apparent and getting extremely irritating is the fact that NO ONE cares about quality anymore, they are willing to spend billions on a crap game and not even bat and eyelash or lid :S

It is everyone responsibility to make sure this doesn’t happen, yet no one wants to do this, what developers and the design team seem to forget is that this is a process, which will go through lots of changes before it’s ready. But they aren’t investing enough time into this which is why their games fail and they lose money and in turn they go bankrupt which in the end destroys the market.

What I look for in a game, I look for an enjoyable experience and challenging as well because I want my moneys worth and I want the hours of years I have investing in this game to give me a feeling of achievement after completing it. The genre I usually get this feeling from are RPG’s! In addition, I think this because there are so many out there that you have to go that extra mile to come out on top. But you could also apply this to any other genre, but since we are on this subject, from a design point of view, I personally thing that when it comes to designing games, different genres go though different stages simple because they don’t have all have the same gameplay elements which mean developers must adjust accordingly.

In games I play, story is a HUGE factor because I like to be interested and I think it adds to my imagination and feeds my creativity which is why I must devour RPG’s and music, don’t want to be listening to the same song for about 70hours, would drive me insane !
Graphics only recently have taken over on the fundamentals of games, now it’s if the graphics are realistically amazing the game by right is excellent.
Simply because they invested all of their time to make the visual amazing so you could STARE at the textures and models forever and truly, appreciate the hard work, instead of PLAYING the game and appreciating it in it entirety.

Rant over :D

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